Brown University Health Community Affairs

Safe Sitter

A Gold-Level Safe Sitter Provider

The Community Health Institute has been recognized as a Gold-Level Safe Sitter Provider. Gold Providers teach more than 125 students per year. 

Essential Skills for Kids Ages 11 to 14                       

Safe Sitter is more than just a babysitting course; it advocates for safe childcare, good parenting skills and responsible adolescents. Instructors are enthusiastic and committed to teens, and all are certified to teach Safe Sitter.

What's Included

Instruction for this one-day program includes:

  • Babysitting as a Business
  • Preventing Injuries
  • CPR Training
  • Safety for the Sitter
  • Behavior Management Skills
  • Injury Management
  • Care of a Choking Infant and Child

The fee is $50 per student; $45 for children of Brown University Health employees. Scholarships are available.

Classes are usually held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at various locations.

Sign up for one of our upcoming classes or call to bring a Safe Sitter program to your community.

Visit the Safe Sitter National Site