Ambulatory Surgery Guide

Whether you're at Newport Hospital for a planned surgery or your visit is unexpected, we will do everything possible to make you comfortable.

Important telephone numbers:

Please call 401-845-1458 or 845-1459 between 7:30 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, with any questions you may have.

After 4:00 p.m., please call 401-845-1445 or 401-846-6400.

Directions to ambulatory surgery

From the parking lot on Powel Avenue, cross the street and use the main hospital entrance. Go to the right, through the Hill Courtyard, and continue to the elevators. Take the elevator to the second floor and go left to the reception desk.

Pre-Admission Testing

Please bring a list of medications with you to your pre-admission testing appointment. When you come in for your pre-admission testing, please go to the patient registration office located on the first floor of the Alletta Morris Building. When you have registered there, please come to the pre-admission testing department on the second floor of the Alletta Morris Building.

If you are not scheduled for pre-admission testing please call 401-845-1458 or 845-1459 on the business day before your surgery between 1:00 and 3:00 p.m. (For example, if your surgery is scheduled for Monday, please call us on Friday.) We will then give you the necessary information about your arrival time, procedures and medications.

How to Prepare for Surgery

Please follow these instructions exactly unless your doctor specifically instructs you to do otherwise.

  • Eating and drinking
    Adults and children over the age of six must not eat or drink anything, not even water, after midnight. This includes gum, cough drops, breath mints and other small items that might not seem significant. This fasting is important because it reduces the risk of complications during the procedure. Infants up to nine months old may have breast milk only (not formula) until four hours before surgery, and children from nine months to six years old may have clear liquids until four hours before surgery, as recommended by the American Society for Pediatric Anesthesia.
  • Alcohol
    Do not drink alcoholic beverages for 24 hours before your surgery.
  • Medications and supplements
    Coumadin, aspirin, and anti-inflammatory medications (such as Advil and Motrin) can all cause bleeding. Please check with your surgeon to see if you should stop taking these medications before your surgery. Please check with your doctor to see if you should stop taking herbal medications and supplements and, if so, for how long before your surgery.
  • The ride home
    Please arrange for a responsible adult to accompany you from the hospital; this is mandatory and is for your safety. If you receive general anesthesia or sedation, you cannot drive for 24 hours, nor can you operate any machinery or power tools.

Postponing surgery

Please contact your doctor if you develop a rash, fever or cold so he or she can determine whether it is best to postpone your surgery.

The Day of Surgery

Before coming in for surgery, please follow these guidelines:

  • Please shower before coming to the hospital and dress in clean, comfortable clothing that is easy to remove.
  • Do not wear makeup or nail polish. The doctors and nurses must be able to see your natural coloring during your surgery.
  • Do not wear any jewelry and do not bring other valuables with you. If you have body-piercing jewelry, you must remove it before you come to the hospital.
  • Please bring eyeglasses if you require them because we will ask you to read a few documents.
  • Please bring hearing aids if you require them.
  • If you are unable to keep your appointment or are going to be late, please contact the ambulatory surgery department at 401-845-1455 after 6:00 a.m.

When you are at the hospital you will be asked to remove your dentures, partial plates, contact lenses and any prostheses before surgery.

All minors must be accompanied to the hospital by a parent or guardian, who must remain in the ambulatory surgery area during the child's surgery.