Child and Family Assessment

Children's Neurodevelopment Center Waiting Room
Children's Neurodevelopment Center waiting room.

The following programs, located in our center, help children and families access medically necessary services in the community:

ACT Now Clinic

The ACT Now Clinic provides assessment and clinical triage of pediatric patients and their families, and allows for earlier access to specialty care. The clinic uses a process-oriented triage and care coordination model, including the development of clinically appropriate care plans for children with complex conditions. Clinical teams include a licensed clinician and a family service coordinator. At the initial meeting our experienced staff develops a written plan of care for the child and family. The plan may include further evaluation at the center, and/or referrals to clinicians or programs outside of our center. If appropriate, families will be given the option to join our Three Cedar, A Family Center program for ongoing support.

Three Cedar, A Family Center

We are a “one-stop shop” for your family, providing assessment, referrals and resources for your child. At Three Cedar, we tailor an action plan to the goals you set for your child and family, and you’ll play a key role in making decisions about the plan. Cedar is a Medicaid product and is meant for children from birth to age 21. Hasbro Children’s, Bradley Hospital and Gateway Healthcare collaborate to provide medical expertise to Three Cedar, A Family Center.

More about the Children's Neurodevelopment Center