6 Summer Safety Tips for Teens

Another summer is here and teens will fill their days with anything but schoolwork. Those warm, sun-filled days mean lots of activities and, unfortunately, some dangers.
We’ve got a wrap-up of how you and your teens can avoid the dangers that can put a damper on your summer season.
Getting reacquainted with your college student
When your college student leaves campus for a summer at home, it can be tricky! From finances to chores, schedules and curfews, we’ve got tips for you and your teen to coexist peacefully.
Returning Home from College: Tips for Parents and Students
Biking safety
No matter what age, feeling the breeze blow past you as you pedal a bicycle just feels like summer. Whether you’re on the streets of your neighborhood or one of our beautiful bike paths in Rhode Island, these two-wheeled transportation systems can present dangers. Follow these tips to safely enjoy your bike trips.
Spring and Summer Bicycle Safety
Water safety
With the temperatures soaring, teens will be hanging out at beaches or pools to stay cool. Others may be enjoying the water from a boat. Water presents unique dangers and risks and teens (and adults!) must be aware of the rules of water safety.
Swimming and Water Safety Tips for the Pool, Beach, and Boat
Keep the bugs at bay
Nothing can ruin your summer like the itch of mosquito bites or worse, a bout of Lyme disease. Be sure your teens are ready for outdoor activities with tips on how to avoid ticks and mosquito bites in these helpful posts.
Lyme Disease Cause, Signs, and Treatment
Preventing Mosquito Bites: The Best Repellents and Natural Solutions
Be sun smart
There’s really no such thing as a “healthy tan” and we all know a sunburn can be painful. But how much do you really know about sunscreens, and which one is right for you? We’ve got you covered in this post on SPF and how to protect your skin.
Sunscreens and the Facts About Protecting Your Skin
Avoiding common summer injuries
We all know accidents can happen. But a little prevention can help your kids avoid some of the most common summer injuries. And when they do happen, we’ve got tips to treat them too.
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Brown University Health Blog Team
The Brown University Health Blog Team is working to provide you with timely and pertinent information that will help keep you and your family happy and healthy.
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