Kids’ Link RI is a behavioral health triage service and referral network. The program is offered in collaboration with Gateway Healthcare, Brown University Health, Hasbro Children's and Bradley Hospital. Kids’ Link RI is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to help triage children and youth in need of mental health services and refer them to treatment providers.
The free, confidential phone line, 1-855-543-5465, connects parents and caregivers to an experienced clinician that can help them access children’s services in Rhode Island, and determine the best place for treatment and counseling.
El dolor por la pérdida de alguien nos afecta a todos. Es una de las emociones más fuertes que podemos experimentar. Tanto si se trata de la pérdida de un familiar, un amigo, un compañero de escuela o una mascota muy querida...