Newport Hospital Patient and Family Partnership Council

Who We Are

Working with hospital leaders and staff, and considering patient and family feedback, our council members help shape initiatives that promote exceptional healthcare experiences for all. Our council is comprised of patients, families, physicians, staff, and volunteers.

What We Do

Members of our patient and family patient advisory council guide the development and implementation of a wide range of projects, serving to partner, serve, and support.


The PFPC partners with the hospital administration to provide meaningful feedback on the operations of Newport Hospital from patients’ lived experiences.


We serve by promoting improved communication among patients, families, employees, and our community.


We offer support in two important ways.

  • The PFPC encourages a patient-centered culture by allowing us to see Newport Hospital services through your eyes.
  • We also promote family friendly initiatives designed to improve quality and safety, patient outcomes, and employee satisfaction.

Newport Hospital Patient and Family Advisory Council Interest Form

Contact Information

Please Answer the Following Questions

Are you a patient or a family member or caregiver of a patient?