Newport Hospital
Newport Hospital
20 Powel Avenue
Newport, RI 02840 Get Directions
Phone: 401-846-6400

Medical Staff at Newport Hospital

Newport Hospital is a private, not-for-profit 129-bed non-teaching community hospital offering acute care and community health services to the people of Newport County, greater Rhode Island, and nearby Massachusetts.

Newport Hospital is a state-of-the-art and award-winning health care facility that offers a wide range of medical services including emergency care, comprehensive surgical services, intensive care, the Noreen Stonor Drexel Birthing Center, the Vanderbilt Rehabilitation (inpatient/outpatient) Center, the Vanderbilt Wound Care Program, an inpatient behavioral health unit, Brown University Health Cancer Institute services, and comprehensive diagnostic imaging services in two locations: on the main campus and at a satellite office in Portsmouth, RI. 

Newport Hospital presently has close to 300 credentialed providers associated with its medical staff. Staffing categories include: Active, Affiliate, Consulting, Senior Active, Courtesy, Honorary, and Referring Associate. The Referring Associate category is an increasingly popular option for physicians and allied health professionals who desire a relationship with Newport Hospital for cross referrals and access to real-time patient data results through LifeLinks, our clinical informatics system, without maintaining clinical privileges.

More about Medical Staff Services at Newport Hospital