Contact Us at the Alzheimer's Disease and Memory Disorders Center

Contact the Memory Disorder Clinic

Contact the Memory Disorders Clinic

If you are an existing patient, please call us at 401-444-6440. If you are interested in a new patient appointment, please ask your primary care provider to fax a referral to 401-444-6858. 

Appointments at the Memory Disorders Clinic

Our Location

Rhode Island Hospital

Ambulatory Patient Center (APC), 7th Floor

110 Lockwood Street

Providence, RI 02903

Valet Parking is available: Please pull directly up to the front of the Ambulatory Patient Center if you have difficulty walking or prefer to use our Valet Parking services.

If You Have a Scheduled Doctor’s Appointment at the Clinic

  • Upon entering the APC Building, take a right towards patient registration and another right towards the elevators.
  • Take the elevators to the 7th floor.
  • Check in with the secretaries in either Booth 1 or 2 when you arrive.
Support Our Research

Support Our Research

If you would like to support our research, please contact the Brown University Health Development Office at 401-444-6500.

Contact the Memory Disorders Research Center

For research study information, please call 1-844-563-6679 (1-844-5-MEMORY) or 401-444-0085.

The center is located on the 7th floor of the APC.

If you are involved in a research study and have a research appointment

  • Take the elevators to the 7th floor.
  • When you come off the elevators take a left down the first long hallway.