Five Questions with Dr. Marge Paccione about Suicide Prevention

Margaret R. Paccione, PhD
Margaret R. Paccione, PhD

Bradley Conference provides information for the general public related to pediatric mental health and wellness. This year’s focus is suicide prevention, and includes topics related to screening, response training, and the latest assessments. 

For more on the conference, we spoke to Margaret R. Paccione, PhD, Bradley’s Hospital’s director of clinical innovation.

Can you tell us a little about this joint effort with the Rhode Island Department of Health and their Violence and Injury Prevention Program?

As Bradley offers conferences on a variety of topics on a regular basis, the Rhode Island Department of Health (RIDOH) requested that we focus our upcoming Bradley Conferences on suicide prevention. We were able to do that with grant support from the RIDOH Violence and Injury Prevention Program, with whom Bradley has a long and productive relationship. 

Bradley Conference, like many things, is a little different this year. Can you tell us a little about the content of the trainings and who is best suited to participate in this year’s conference?

Yes, this has been quite a challenging year for all of us, especially with the recent shift to a virtual format! The Bradley Conference fall series is divided into two components:

Suicide: Prevention, Screening and Response is designed for individuals who do not have a background in mental health but may wish to learn more about suicide prevention. All adults can benefit: bus drivers, educators, faith leaders, service workers, parents, grandparents, first responders, accountants, doctors, and anyone else who interacts with human beings.

Suicide Assessment Using the Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS) is for licensed behavioral health clinicians who wish to learn how to conduct a full suicide assessment.

Are you seeing an increase in suicide attempts in the state of Rhode Island? 

You may know that during the past three years, Rhode Island led the nation with the smallest number of youth suicides. Unfortunately, Rhode Island, like the rest of our country, is experiencing an increase in youth and adult suicidal behaviors, including deaths by suicide. 

How can the Bradley Conference sessions this year help people prevent suicide attempts?

Suicide is a preventable public health problem, and prevention depends in large part on knowing the signs that someone may be in emotional pain and considering taking their own life. Knowing a few simple questions to ask may save someone’s life. Impacting this crisis takes a targeted community response and everyone can play a part!

What will participants be able to do upon completion of the training?

Whether an individual participates in one or more of these conferences, knowledge is power and can make a real difference in our community. Here, we have an opportunity to move a difficult and scary topic from the shadows to the light.

Bradley Conference

Bradley Conference Fall 2021 Series

The Bradley Conference Fall 2021 series is grant-supported by the Rhode Island Department of Health Violence and Injury Prevention Program and focuses on Suicide Prevention and Response.

All sessions will be held virtually over Zoom.

Program fee: No cost, grant-funded.

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