Supportive Care
Dealing with the diagnosis of a serious illness can be difficult, and the expert care that you receive to treat your illness can be time-consuming, stressful and may have its own side effects. The Brown University Health Cancer Institute’s palliative care clinic is here to help guide and support you throughout your illness and medical care. Palliative care is supportive care that addresses the physical, psychological and emotional concerns that can arise as a result of a serious illness. The goal of palliative care is to allow you to live your life as normally as possible—spending quality time with those you love and doing the things you like to do—throughout the process of being treated for your illness.
Palliative care also provides support for your family and friends. Another goal of palliative care is to improve communication between you and your health care providers, and help you make decisions regarding your treatment and set goals for the future that lead to a meaningful, enjoyable life.
Scheduling Palliative Care
To discuss or schedule palliative care, please call 1-844-222-2881, or ask a member of your treatment team to help you make an appointment.