Pediatric Primary Care Co-Pays
Co-pays are due at the time of the visit. We will accept cash, check, Visa or MasterCard. Please update your insurance information at each visit so we charge you appropriately. Each time you receive a new health card we will need to make a copy for our records. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter.
Please be on time for your child's appointments. If you are unable to make an appointment, please try to provide us with 24 hours advance notification. Missed appointments often mean someone else was not able to be seen in a more timely fashion.
Over the years we have experienced a steady increase in the need for forms to be filled out. A completed state school physical examination form and a copy of your child’s immunizations will be provided at each well visit. This exam form will be good for one year. You can make additional copies for sports and other activities as needed throughout the year. Please allow one week for completion of any forms.