Kelly Regains Flexibility

Kelly Sullivan lives in Ashaway, Rhode Island, and works as a home aide for the elderly in Westerly. She is a patient of Dr. Mustapha Kemal, physiatrist and medical director of Vanderbilt Rehabilitation Center. Dr. Kemal uses an innovative technique of guided Botox injections to target specific muscle groups in the legs and arms and relax spasticity, helping patients regain flexibility and range of motion.

Kelly Sullivan, Newport Hospital patient
Kelly Sullivan followed Dr. Kemal from Connecticut to Newport, Rhode Island.

Kelly first saw Dr. Kemal for treatment at a hospital in Connecticut, and found his care so valuable that she followed him to Newport Hospital when he moved his practice here.

"When I found Dr. Kemal, he was unlike any other doctor I knew."

“In 2010 I noticed I was having trouble brushing my teeth; I had tremors. At first my doctors in Connecticut thought it was migraines or panic attacks. Finally they did a CT scan and found a cyst in my brain. I also have cerebral palsy which affects my right side. I was having a lot of difficulty walking, moving my right leg and arm. When I found Dr. Kemal, he was unlike any other doctor I knew. He suggested Botox injections to help relax the muscles that were in spasm.

Before treatment, I can barely put my right foot on the floor. After, it almost feels completely normal, I can walk across the room. He is so committed, such a kind man, with the best bedside manner. He really goes above and beyond for his patients. He takes his time, gets you answers to your questions. I didn’t want to have to use a walker or a cane, I’m too young! He has made such a difference for me—his treatments make me feel 90 percent better almost immediately. I can walk, I can go to work. I’d follow him anywhere.”

Learn more about Brown University Health's physical medicine and rehabilitation program