Gateway Healthcare

For Clients & Families

While you are receiving services, you retain certain legal rights, including each of the rights listed below. Your exercise of these rights may be subject to reasonable limitations if permitted or required by law, but only with notice to you of the reasons for the limitation and in accordance with your treatment or individual treatment plan. If you are a minor or you have a court appointed legal guardian, your rights may be exercised by your parent or guardian on your behalf, again subject to any limitations permitted or required by law. You will be notified any time there is a change to these rights by use of postings and availability of new versions through your assigned staff member. Agency staff can help you understand and exercise these rights, so please take time to read this statement and ask any questions you may have.

Rights of All Clients

Whatever services you receive from the agency, you have the right:

1. to the same civil and constitutional rights afforded to other persons;

2. to be free from coercion and unlawful discrimination, which means you are to receive services without discrimination on the basis of race, religion, gender, ethnicity, age, physical or mental handicap, sexual preference, national origin, marital status, source of financial support, or political affiliation, although the agency may deny services if you do not meet its criteria for admission which may relate to age, gender, and type of disability;

3. to receive the following information upon admission

  • Accreditation status
  • Discharge policies
  • Areas of treatment specialization
  • Hours of operation
  • Emergency contact procedures
  • Concern and complaint resolution process
  • General services provided by the organization
  • Rights of persons served

4. to receive adequate, appropriate, humane care that is respectful of your cultural, spiritual, psychosocial, and personal values and beliefs within the agency's mission, capabilities, and resources;

5. to receive information orally and in writing in a language which you understand; 

6. to be informed of your current diagnoses and projected discharge date, to participate in the development and periodic review of your individualized treatment plan including aftercare and referrals, and to receive your status regarding treatment goals/objectives; 

7. to receive a clinical screening and to be informed of what to expect during the treatment process and the level of care recommended for your condition to promote recovery;

8. to be informed of proposed treatment, interventions, services, and medications, and to control your medical treatment, which means being able to consent to or refuse the use of specific procedures and medications, after being told the risks, benefits, risks if treatment is not provided, and alternatives to such procedures or medications, including any that may be unusual, hazardous, or experimental, or part of a research project, and to request a change of therapist;

9. to have competent, qualified experienced clinical staff supervise your care and to know the name, position and personal qualifications of the staff involved with your care; to request a change of provider, clinician or service and receive a written explanation if your request is denied; and to be given reasonable notice of and reasons for any proposed changes in the staff responsible for your care;

10. to expect confidentiality from the entire staff with respect to your identity and all aspects of your care;

11. to be informed of the agency's use and disclosure of your personal health information, to refuse and/or authorize certain uses and disclosures of this information (including disclosure to family members or others), to have an opportunity to agree or object to certain uses and disclosures, to request an amendment to this information and to request an accounting of the uses and disclosures of your information; additional information on these rights is contained in the Notice of Privacy Practices;

12. to access your record in compliance with state and federal laws; to inspect and obtain a copy of your treatment or individual treatment plan and other health information maintained by the agency and if your request is denied, to receive a written explanation;

13. to discuss the cost of the services provided to you, your responsibility for payment, and the availability of insurance before such services are rendered as well as to provide you, when requested, information regarding charges billed to, and payments made by, an insurance company on your behalf; 

14. to be referred to other available providers if you are ineligible or inappropriate for agency services, or would be better served at a different level of care, or to receive services not offered by the agency, including for pain management;

15. to refuse to participate in any research without compromising your treatment or access to care from the agency;

16. to confidentiality and privacy of your personal health information whether maintained in written or other form as described in the Notice of Privacy Practices and to be informed of limitations on confidentiality;

17. to privacy, dignity and security;

18. not to be photographed, observed, videotaped or audio taped without your full knowledge and consent; 

19. not to be requested to perform work for any agency organization unless the work is part of your approved treatment plan and meets other requirements of law; 

20. to request a review of your treatment plan at any time during treatment and to seek a second opinion from a psychiatrist, a mental health professional, or a substance abuse professional of your choice at your expense; 

21. to file a complaint or make suggestions about your treatment at the agency with any senior staff person or with the following: 

  • Human Rights Officers
  • Corporate Compliance Officer
  • Privacy Officer

You also have the right to receive a written description of how the agency will handle your complaint if requested.

22. to file a complaint with the Rhode Island Department of Health Complaint Unit 401-222-5200; the Department of Behavioral Health, Developmental Disabilities and Hospitals (BHDDH) Behavioral Health Division 401-462-2339; the federal office of Civil Rights at U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Government Center, JF Kennedy Building, Room 1875, Boston, Massachusetts 02203 617-565-1340; the Rhode Island Human Rights Commission 401-222-2661; the Rhode Island Mental Health Advocate 401-462-2003; the Rhode Island Child Advocate 401-222-6650; or the Family Court depending on your age and the type of complaint; and to call 1-800-RI-CHILD to report abuse/neglect of a minor;

23. to receive a copy of a client handbook which contains information on services, program rules and other information;

24. to be encouraged and assisted throughout treatment to understand and exercise your rights without fear of restraint, interference, discrimination, or reprisal; 

25. to access the mental health advocate or child health advocate and to have assistance exercising this right; and

26. if you are an adult, to prevent release of your name to the mental health advocate or to your family;

27. to receive the following before being asked to leave a program or service for not fulfilling the responsibilities of such programs or service: 

  • Assistance in resolving issues
  • Assistance in accessing alternate services
  • Written notification of the pending discharge and the individual’s rights of appeal

28. to be given information regarding your legal rights relative to the Representative Payee process, when applicable; 

29. to be protected from commercial/financial exploitation;

30. to access your record in compliance with applicable state and federal laws;

31. to be free from verbal or physical abuse, neglect, mistreatment or any other human rights violation;

32. to individualized treatment and services including:

  • Services within the most integrated setting as appropriate
  • Individualized treatment plan that promotes recovery
  • Ongoing review and mutually agreed upon adjustments of treatment plan
  • Competent, qualified and experienced staff to carry out treatment plan

33. to be present and actively participate in the design of your treatment plan and in all periodic reviews and to chose people to assist in the development and monitoring of the plan; and

34. to be offered enrollment in the Health Information Exchange (HIE).

Responsibilities of All Clients

As a client of Gateway, you are responsible:  

  1. to participate in the development and implementation of your treatment/individual treatment plan that promotes recovery;
  2. to work towards your treatment goals and objectives;
  3. to respect the rights of staff and other clients;
  4. to comply with reasonable policy, procedures, rules, regulations for the safe and effective operation of the agency's services and programs;
  5. to keep appointments;
  6. to complete all forms as fully and accurately as possible;
  7. to pay applicable insurance co-payments or fees on time; fees are based on income and ability to pay; and
  8. to ask questions if you do not understand any information given to you in writing or orally.

If you would like a copy of your rights at any time during treatment, please ask your clinician or any other staff member.