
During your treatments you may experience fatigue. Fatigue can be caused by the type of chemotherapy you receive, stress, anxiety, depression, pain, interrupted sleep, work load, frequent trips to your appointments or trying to manage the responsibilities of daily life.

What to do:

  • Allow for periods of rest and activity.
  • Studies show exercise can ease fatigue; try short walks or riding an exercise bike.
  • Plan to do your most important task of the day first.
  • Organize time to avoid rushing (for example, laying out clothes the night before).
  • Prepare meals while sitting down and keep frequently used items easily accessible.
  • If you're working, plan your day to take advantage of your peak energy times.
  • Plan a work schedule that's best suited for your needs.
  • Let others help. For example, let friends or family members help with chores, shopping or cooking.

When to call your doctor or nurse:

Please call if you experience dizziness, shortness of breath, a change in activity level, severe tiredness, depression or anxiety.