Your primary care physician may recommend outpatient or inpatient consultation with a board-certified cardiologist. Our experts at the Brown University Health Cardiovascular Institute are available seven days a week for consultation and will provide a recommendation to you and your doctor the same day. We look at all general cardiology issues and can arrange subspecialty consultation if necessary for coronary care, heart rhythm disorders, surgery, congenital heart disease and early intervention to prevent future cardiac disease.
Contact Cardiac Consultation Services
To schedule an appointment with the Brown University Health Cardiovascular Institute, please call 1-855-332-8474.
The consulting cardiologist will:
Provide an initial evaluation
Arrange and expedite necessary testing
Guide and facilitate follow-up treatment
Arrange transfer to a specialized cardiac
inpatient unit if necessary
Arrange outpatient follow-up after discharge
Dedicated staff is available through the cardiac care and intermediate cardiac care units 24 hours a day for consultation. Your primary care physician or your attending physician can refer you for this service.
Follow Your Doctor's Orders
Tempted to stop taking a prescribed medication without checking with your doctor? Cardiologist Mitchel A. Sklar, MD explains why that’s probably not a good idea.
Research and Clinical Trials at the Brown University Health ...
Research is currently being conducted to learn more about cardiovascular disease and how it affects our patients.
Target Heart Rate Zones: Safely Maximize Your Workouts
Julianne DeAngelis
January 18, 2024
You know doctors recommend 150 minutes of cardiovascular activity every week, but how do you know that you're getting all the benefits from your exercises? You can determine roughly how hard your body is working, and when you...