Education Opportunities
Lecture Series
Together the Administrative Core, ICDI Core, and RPP Core offer a robust curriculum of training lectures.
For more information about the lecture series, contact Injury Control COBRE Administrator, Julie Bromberg, at [email protected].
Upcoming Lectures
Lecture Series
No lectures are planned at this moment. Please check back as we update this page regularly.
Past Lectures
- Advancing Injury Research through Anti-Racist Practice: An Introduction to the Levels of Racism and Their Impact on Health
Watch on YouTube
- Asking a Causal Question Using Directed Acylic Graphs (DAGs)
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- Building Researcher-Community Partnerships to Promote Health Equality
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- Bullying as a Developmental Precursor to Sexual and Dating Violence Across Adolescence
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- Causal Inference for the Study of Injury Prevention: An Introduction to Counterfactuals and Asking Causal Questions
Watch on YouTube
- Coding and Mapping Injury Diagnosis and Severities
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- Cross-Cutting Approach to Violence Prevention
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- Developing and Testing Implementation Strategies with Partners to Promote Firearm Safety as a Universal Suicide Prevention Strategy in Pediatric Primary Care
Watch on YouTube
- Development and Use of an Integrated, State-Wide Data Warehouse to Advance Injury Prevention Research
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- Emulating Target Trials to Improve Causal Inference from Observational Data
Watch on YouTube
- A Framework for Implementation Science within CDC’s Division of Violence Prevention: Advancing and Integrating Work across Public Health Functions
Watch on YouTube | Download the PDF of the presentation
- Getting Started in Data Visualization
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- Hands-On Data Extraction for Systematic Review/Meta-Analysis
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- Implementation Science and Community Engaged Research in Injury Prevention
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- An Introduction to Evidence Synthesis
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- An Introduction to Meta-Analysis
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- Leveraging Behavioral Design and Digital Solutions for Reducing Injuries and Overdoses
Watch on YouTube
- Meet the Injury Control COBRE: Why Injury Control Research Matters
Watch on YouTube
- “Natural Experiments” in Injury Prevention Research
Watch on YouTube
- Technology Enhanced Behavioral Interventions for Firearm Injury Prevention
Watch on YouTube
- What Doesn't Go Into the Methods Section: Lessons Learned from Engaging Schools in Violence Prevention Research
Watch on YouTube
SoCRA Clinical Research Training
Clinical research training opportunities will be offered and funded by the COBRE to RPLs, other COBRE investigators and COBRE research staff through the Society of Clinical Research Associate (SoCRA) online courses, classes, and webinars. SOCRA offers comprehensive clinical research training to support quality clinical research that protects the welfare of human research subjects.
Learn more about SoCRA Clinical Research Training
Pathways to R Grant Writing Seminar Series
A five-session grant writing seminar that will take investigators through the main components of a NIH research plan. Participants will draft their proposal as they go through the seminar series; the series will culminate with a virtual mock review panel session.
More information about mentorship training, contact Injury Control COBRE Administrator, Julie Bromberg, at [email protected].
All mentors of both research project leaders and pilot project investigators will participate in the Entering Mentoring training from National Resource Mentoring Network (NRMN) to augment faculty development, strengthen institutional research training infrastructure, and to enhance research success and advancement in injury control careers.
COBRE investigators will also be invited to participate in the NRMN Mentoring Training as they transition off the COBRE and obtain their own independent research funding.
For more information about mentorship training, contact Injury Control COBRE Administrator, Julie Bromberg, at [email protected].
Together the Administrative Core, Injury Control Digital Innovation Core, and Research to Practice and Policy Core will hold an annual symposium to grow the Injury Control knowledge basis among Rhode Island investigators.
2023 Symposium
Injury Control COBRE held its first annual symposium, "Research to Practice and Policy," on March 16, 2023.
For more information about Injury Control COBRE symposiums, contact Injury Control COBRE Administrator, Julie Bromberg, at [email protected].