Injury Control COBRE Previously Funded Projects
The following projects were previously funded by Injury Control COBRE.
A prospective study of posttraumatic stress symptom development and cannabis use among trauma exposed injured emerging adults following Emergency Department discharge
PI: Leslie Brick, PhD
The goal of this study was to characterize cannabis users as related to post-trauma symptoms and cannabis misuse during the period immediately following trauma exposure among a sample of injured emerging adults.
Dr. Brick recruited N=100 trauma-exposed cannabis users (aged 18-25) presented to the Emergency Department for evaluation after acute injury.
Upon discharge, participants completed 4-weeks of ecological momentary assessment to record CU behavior and PTSD symptom development, paired with passive collection of physiological output (heart rate) via wearable biosensors (smartwatch) to monitor physiology. Participants also completed 4-week and 6-month post-discharge clinical interviews.