Minimally Invasive Surgery
Telepreceptoring Requirements
Requirements for telepreceptoring:
- The surgeon to be preceptored must have completed an acceptable workshop covering the procedure and observed the procedure performed at least once. One or both of these must be at the division at Brown University.
- It is important that at least one nurse involved in the procedure observe the procedure in advance and speak to a nurse that works with the faculty members in the division to insure room set-up and equipment for the procedure are appropriate.
- An equipment list will be provided by the preceptor to the surgeon for the procedure. Modifications and substitutions should be discussed with the preceptor prior to the procedure.
- Difficulties obtaining necessary equipment should be discussed with the preceptor prior to the procedure.
- Hospital administration must be aware that the procedure will be telepreceptored by an outside surgeon, provide written approval, and assume responsibility for the procedure.
- State licensing, hospital privileges and liability for the preceptor will be handled by the surgeon and sponsoring institution.
- Credentials of the preceptor will be forwarded to the surgeon and appropriate bodies for approval.
- The surgeon should contact the preceptor one week in advance to discuss the case and technical aspects of the procedure. Pertinent physical findings including height and weight, medical history including previous surgical procedures and medications should be discussed at this time. Prior to the conversation, pertinent laboratory data should be faxed to the preceptor for review.
- The preceptor will keep a record of the data forwarded by the surgeon.
- The surgeon must obtain informed consent from the patient that includes an explanation that the procedure will be video broadcast to a surgeon at a remote site that will offer verbal advice and direction to the surgeon.
- The surgeon will be responsible for the patient during the postoperative period. The preceptor will be available to the surgeon to provide assistance and answer questions by phone when necessary.
- The surgeon, nurses and preceptor will review the technical aspects of the procedure on the day of the procedure.
- Although there may be a variety of ways to do the procedure, the preceptor, while remaining open to suggestion, will require the surgeon perform the procedure in the manner that the preceptor is accustomed to.
- A copy of the operative report and discharge summary should be forwarded to the preceptor.
- Media will not be allowed at the preceptored procedures.
Minimally Invasive Surgery
- Minimally Invasive Surgery at Rhode Island Hospital
- Minimally Invasive Surgery at The Miriam Hospital
- Educational Programs