Frequently Asked Questions
What do I tell my child about the tests?
When explaining the testing to a child it is best to tell them "We are going to do a variety of tasks and activities to understand how you think and learn, and to help identify your strengths and the areas where you might need more support. It is important to know that we do these tasks with children of all different ages, so some tasks will seem easy and others will seem hard. No one is expected to know how to do all of them, but we just want you to try your best.”
How is your neuropsychological evaluation different from an individual evaluation at school?
Some of what we do is similar to what might happen during a school evaluation; however, the Pediatric Neuropsychology Program at Rhode Island Hospital has specialized expertise in how complex neurological and medical disorders affect children’s thinking and cognitive development. In addition, the Pediatric Neuropsychological Program team looks at areas of functioning that are not typically assessed by the schools, such as attention, executive, and memory skills.
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Will the examination hurt?
No. This does not involve any shots or a physical examination. Your child will be doing tasks and activities, some of which may be similar to activities your child does at school. They do not involve any physical pain, but can be mentally tiring. Children will be given breaks, as needed.
If the results show that there is a problem, is there anything that can be done to help?
Yes. Results of the evaluation may assist the referring physician in selecting treatments or prioritizing the focus of interventions. We provide recommendations tailored to your child’s strengths and weaknesses, including organizational supports, memory techniques, and other behavioral and cognitive treatments. We will also address other school-related recommendations.
What do families get from a neuropsychological assessment?
- A detailed report of the assessment
- Identification of your child’s strengths and weaknesses
- Specific recommendations for how to support your child’s development
- Recommendations and support for obtaining needed services