Research and Clinical Trials

Consent Is the First Step

You (or your representative) must give permission to participate in a research study. You may not be in a study without your knowledge and consent. A consent form may appear complex because it is important that you have all the information needed to make a decision. A consent form must contain the following:

  • an invitation to be a part of the research project
  • an explanation of why the study is being done
  • a statement about the company or agency that is funding the study, if there is one
  • detailed information about any risks of he treatment as well as any benefits of participating in the study
  • information about other treatments that might be available if you choose not to be a part of the study
  • identify who will have access to your personal health information and who will be able to use the information obtained by the study
  • identify whom you may ask for more information about the study or about your rights as a participant in the study

For more information, please call the Brown University Health subject advocate at 401-444-5843.