Innovation and Research at The Miriam Hospital

Transforming Research into Practice

Translation of research and evidence into practice is an integral part of nursing at The Miriam Hospital. The Nursing Executive Council sets standards for integrating evidenced-based research and new knowledge into operational and clinical environments.

A group of nurses at Lifespan
The Miriam Hopsital has some of the best nurses delivering health with care. Our nurses put the patient at the center of nursing practice, so that patients truly feel cared for.

The Miriam Hospital nursing research is fostered by participation in shared governance councils and collaboration with advance practice nurses, nursing clinical experts and interprofessional colleagues. The organization’s institutional review board reviews all nursing research.

Nurses at The Miriam Hospital are innovators in their field who routinely participate in research to advance their professional practice and find ways to continually improve patient care. Our nurses are widely published and frequently present at national and regional symposiums and conferences.

Examples of Miriam nursing research:

  • Effects of a structured mentorship program on experienced nurses mentoring newly licensed nurses at a Magnet hospital (pilot study)
  • Effect of transcendental meditation on well-being of newly-licensed nurse participants in an accredited nurse residency program: a pilot study (ongoing)
  • U.S. clinician well-being study (complete)
  • Nurse practitioners' experiences working with patients living with morbid obesity (complete)
  • Impact of a screening and resource intervention on social determinants of health among adult mental health patients in the emergency department (complete)
  • Use of probiotics in prevention of Clostridium difficile (C. diff)
  • Does early mobility lead to decreased ventilator days?
  • Comparing the Canadian cervical spine rule and radiology confirmed cervical spine injury in the emergency department (ED)
  • Clinical preference for troponin monitoring
  • Early palliative care consults
  • Measuring acute care nurses' competence when providing care to psychiatric mental health patients

Examples of Miriam nursing evidence-based and quality improvement projects:

  • Safe patient handling
  • Improving the diagnosis and treatment of in-house code strokes
  • Prevention of respiratory device-related pressure injuries
  • Does music therapy reduce stress and fatigue among nursing staff and create a more calming environment?
  • Use of NIHSS for competent and consistent stroke assessment of stroke rule-out patients
  • Agitated patients: de-escalation confidence levels
  • Caring for transgender patients
  • Post-stroke depression

Learn more about nursing at The Miriam Hospital