Equipped for Exceptional Care 2025
You can make a difference!
Give to The Miriam Hospital Women’s Association. Your contribution will help to support and strengthen The Miriam Community. Learn more about our goals for 2025 (PDF).
Members of The Miriam Hospital Women's Association celebrate more than 125 years of caring. Throughout the years, over 1,000 active members, including two- and three-generation families, have played a major role in founding and sustaining The Miriam Hospital.
By combining past ideals with modern ideas, we are able to achieve our goals and stimulate our future growth. Our purpose is to contribute time and energy to enhance the physical and mental well being of patients in The Miriam Hospital.
Give to The Miriam Hospital Women’s Association. Your contribution will help to support and strengthen The Miriam Community. Learn more about our goals for 2025 (PDF).
The Jewish community of Providence in 1897 numbered approximately 1,200 families. The majority were very recent immigrants, Yiddish speaking, struggling to find a place in their new home.
To ease their transition to American life, they formed self-help organizations to augment the community structure already in existence. Among these organizations were women's groups dedicated to good works. In time each organization developed a particular purpose and niche in the community.
One group of women chose to make "Bikur Cholm," visiting the sick to offer comfort, the chief priority. From this dedication grew the dream of one day establishing a Jewish hospital, a place of healing that would be open to all people. These women were members of Miriam Lodge No. 13, order of B'rith Abraham, the founding mothers of the organization known today as The Miriam Hospital Women's Association.
Learn more about our role in the founding of The Miriam Hospital
How do we achieve our goals?
For more information about The Miriam Hospital Women's Association, please call 401-793-2520 or email [email protected].