The Henry Izeman, MD Nursing Leadership Award in Nursing

The Henry Izeman, MD Nursing Leadership Award, supported by Dr. Izeman’s wife and family, remembers an outstanding physician whose support for nursing was unwavering and whose collegiality is memorable.

The award recognizes a nurse leader from The Miriam Hospital who has demonstrated significant leadership in the cultivation of an environment of safety and nursing excellence, resulting in improved and sustained patient outcomes. The award criteria were developed based on the American Nurses Association Nursing Administration Scope and Standards of Practice. Nurse leader is defined broadly, encompassing the defining leadership attributes of ability to influence practice and sustain change.

Winner Introduces New Pain Assessment Tool at The Miriam

Our 2018 winner was recognized for her research to validate a better pain assessment tool that helps ensure that patients are not over- or under-medicated. Miriam nurses now assess pain using this tool. Shortly after her research, The Joint Commission recommended this assessment for use in health care settings. Her work exemplifies The Miriam Hospital nursing commitment to improving patient care through innovation.

Learn more about nursing at The Miriam Hospital