Injury Prevention for Adults


The Injury Prevention Center provides information to help adults stay injury free.

Pedestrian Safety in Older Adults 

Walking has many benefits for older adults; however, individuals 55 years and older are at a greater risk for pedestrian related injury and death. These numbers have been on the rise for the past several years! It is important to take safety precautions before heading outside for a walk.

Learn more about how to reduce your risk of walking-related injuries

Fall Prevention in Older Adults

Falls are the leading cause of fatal and nonfatal injuries among adults who are 65 years old or older. They can cause significant injuries such as head trauma and broken bones and can lead to serious consequences and even death. Seniors are at particularly high risk not only to experience a fall, but also to sustain a serious injury or experience significant complications. 

Learn more about how to reduce the risk for falls

Firearm Safety

Many families own guns. If you do choose to own firearms it is important to know how to use and store them safely to prevent injuries and fatalities. Having guns in the home may put children at risk.  It may also increase the risk of a family member committing suicide. By following some simple safety measures, you can greatly reduce the risk of a tragedy occurring in your home. 

Learn more about reducing the risk of accidental gun injuries