Newport Hospital Medical Staff

Newport Hospital is a private, not-for-profit 129-bed non-teaching community hospital offering acute care and community health services to the people of Newport County, greater Rhode Island, and nearby Massachusetts. Newport Hospital is a state-of-the-art and award-winning health care facility that offers a wide range of medical services including emergency care, comprehensive surgical services, intensive care, the Noreen Stonor Drexel Birthing Center, the Vanderbilt Rehabilitation (inpatient/outpatient) Center, the Vanderbilt Wound Care Program, an inpatient behavioral health unit, Brown University Health Cancer Institute services, and comprehensive diagnostic imaging services in two locations: on the main campus and at a satellite office in Portsmouth, RI. 

Newport Hospital Medical Staff

Contact Newport Hospital Medical Staff

Phone: 401-793-3848

Fax:  401-793-3849


148 West River, Suite 6B
Providence, RI 02904
Get directions

Newport Hospital presently has close to 300 credentialed providers associated with its medical staff. Staffing categories include: Active, Affiliate, Consulting, Senior Active, Courtesy, Honorary, and Referring Associate. The Referring Associate category is an increasingly popular option for physicians and allied health professionals who desire a relationship with Newport Hospital for cross referrals and access to real time patient data results through LifeLinks, our clinical informatics system, without maintaining clinical privileges.

More about Newport Hospital

The Medical Staff Services office is a shared service that performs joint medical staff and credentialing functions for Brown University Health affiliates, including Newport Hospital. Included in the credentialing functions are the processing of initial applications, re-applications, requests for staff status changes and requests for privileges.  Additionally the team will help physicians and allied health professionals with questions related to IS Access, Net Learning, parking and orientation.

Medical Staff Leadership

Access Newport Hospital Policies on the Brown University Health intranet (Note: Brown University Health log-in required)
