Loss Prevention Grant Application

Brown University Health Risk Services has been recognizing leaders and change agents in our system by providing funding for innovative efforts through education and research projects for many years. The core purpose of the loss prevention grant fund is to improve quality of care and decrease liability.

Application is open to all Brown University Health employees and eligible affiliated physicians. The loss prevention grant fund will award up to a total of $125,000 for all grants funded in policy year (PY) 2024 to 2025.

This year priority will be given to proposals focused on multidisciplinary/multi-departmental/multi-hospital strategies aimed at:

  • Reducing diagnostic/treatment errors, omissions, or delays
  • Care communications/teamwork/escalation of care
  • Professional wellness

The Brown University Health Loss Prevention Grant Fund provides a source of funding for projects relating to the following:

  • Quality of care improvement efforts: Liability related to processes and/or systems that impact the way we care for our patients and families.
  • Professional liability (malpractice): Liability incurred as a result of errors in performing professional clinical services. In recognition that practitioner wellness affects professional practice and patient outcomes, grants related to this topic are encouraged.   
  • General liability: Liability related to premises, operations, and products.

Funding Use Restrictions

Funds that are awarded are to be used in the one-year grant fund period and are not intended to cover ongoing operational expenses or to fund permanent positions.

Applications have been completed for (PY) 2024 to 2025. Check back in early 2025 for the next funding application opportunity.

If you have questions, please contact Christina Gomes-Ferreira at 401-444-8251 or by email at [email protected].