Practitioner Address Update Form

Your Information

Name of person submitting form


Provider Information

Practitioner Name

RI Medical/Professional License Number/SMS or equivalent (MD, NP, etc.)

Find a license number at the RI DOH website

Display Cell Phone on Listing
Display Pager Number on Listing

Address Changes (add, delete or change an address)

Primary Practice Address

(Location where you see patients)

For your primary practice address, this is a:
Are you practicing here as a primary care physician or as a specialist?
Update Address
Type of EHR Used
Is this your preferred correspondence address?
A correspondence address is the address the company uses to send important hospital-related information that is not patient-care related.
Would you like to add a correspondence address?
Update correspondence address
Would you like to update a second address?

Second Practice Address Changes

For your second practice address, this is a:
Are you practicing at this second location as a primary care physician or as a specialist?
Second Location Address
Type of EHR Used at Second Location
Would you like to update a third address?

Third Practice Address Changes

For your third practice address, this is a:
Are you practicing at this third location as a primary care physician or as a specialist?
Third Location Address
Type of EHR Used at Third Location

Additional Comments