Rhode Island Hospital Nurses' Alumni Association

The alumni association of the former Rhode Island Hospital School of Nursing has approximately 600 active members and addresses for more than 250 additional graduates.

Contact the alumni office for information about replacing school pins, acquiring transcripts, planning class reunions and attending meetings.

The association holds seasonal meetings each year: spring, fall and winter luncheons, and a summer trip or fun activity. An annual meeting, honoring 50-year reunion classes, is held each September. A Reunion Tea is held each year during Nurses Week in May.

The alumni association is located in the hospital's Gerry House, which served as the dormitory for nurses in training during the 1960s and 1970s.

Office hours:

The alumni office is usually open from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Monday through Thursday. In the summer months, hours are limited to two days per week. A message or e-mail may be left at any time.

Contact information:

Rhode Island Hospital Nurses' Alumni Association
Gerry House, Ground Floor
105 Lockwood Street
Providence, RI  02903

Phone: 401-444-4798
E-mail: [email protected]

Join the alumni association. Dues are $20 per year and benefits include:

  • Notices of events and meetings for active alumni in Rhode Island and nearby Massachusetts and Connecticut.
  • A subscription to the Echo, the alumni newsletter, published seasonally.