Rhode Island Hospital
Rhode Island Hospital Main Building/Zecchino Pavillion
593 Eddy Street
Providence, RI 02903 Get Directions
Phone: 401-444-4000
Phone Numbers
To call within the hospital, dial only the last five digits of the number.
Rhode Island Hospital main phone number: 401-444-4000
Admitting center: 401-444-5566
Billing: 1-800-884-6966
Business office/cashier: 401-444-4701
Case management: 401-444-5145
Clinical social work: 401-444-5711
General information/main number: 401-444-4000
Gift shop - Hasbro Children's: 401-444-8316
Interpreter services: 401-444-8708
Lost and found: 401-444-5221
Main switchboard: 401-444-4000
Patient information desk: 401-444-5421
Parking office: 401-444-4013
Patient financial services: 1-800-884-6966
Patient and guest services: 401-444-5817
Physician referral: 401-444-4800
Security: 401-444-5221
Television and telephone service: 401-444-7000
Rhode Island Hospital
- About Rhode Island Hospital
- For Patients & Visitors
- Centers & Services
- Building Locations, Directions and Parking
- Upcoming Events
- Contact Rhode Island Hospital
- Giving to Rhode Island Hospital