Rhode Island Hospital
Rhode Island Hospital Main Building/Zecchino Pavillion
593 Eddy Street
Providence, RI 02903 Get Directions
Phone: 401-444-4000

Patient Rights & Responsibilities

Rhode Island Hospital recognizes the rights of each of our patients. State laws have been established to ensure that your rights are respected. Below is an easy-to-understand interpretation of the law. It is also our promise to you.

Plastic Surgery

Questions or Concerns

For questions or to discuss concerns, contact the following:


Your Rights

  1. Kind, safe and respectful care
  2. Treatment and information without discrimination based on age, color, culture, ethnicity, gender identity or expression, language, national origin, physical or mental disability, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, or source of payment
  3. Interpreter and translation services at no cost if your English is limited
  4. The name of any physician, provider, or institution that is responsible for, or involved in, your care or treatment
  5. Personal privacy and confidentiality of your medical records, in accordance with law and hospital policy
  6. Participate in your care and make informed decisions, including the right to refuse treatment as permitted by law
  7. Choose someone to make health care decisions for you
  8. Make advance directives (Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care or Living Will) and include them in your medical record
  9. Assessment and management of your pain
  10. A reasonable response if your health care provider requests medical services for you or if you request additional services
  11. Freedom from restraints and seclusion that are not medically necessary or that are used as a means of coercion, discipline, convenience, or retaliation by staff
  12. Give or refuse informed consent to participate in human subjects research as required by law
  13. Be informed about the reasons and alternatives before you are transferred to another facility
  14. Receive information about hospice care
  15. Use a personal television set that meets safety standards
  16. Review your hospital bill and be given an explanation of the charges, regardless of the source of payment; you will be provided with a summarized medical bill within 30 days of discharge, and an itemized bill on request
  17. Examine and obtain a copy of your medical records, at no charge in certain cases
  18. Examine any hospital rules and regulations that govern your treatment
  19. The presence of someone whom you choose to give you emotional support, and visits from people you choose, unless it interferes with others’ care or your own 

If you have questions, suggestions or concerns, please call Patient and Guest Services at 401-444-5817, Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. After hours, please call the operator at 401-444-4000 and ask for the on-site administrator.

Your Responsibilities

Rhode Island Hospital has the right to expect responsible behavior from our patients and their families. We expect that you will:

  • Provide the hospital or your physician with information about past illnesses, hospitalizations, medications, allergies, and other matters related to your health care
  • Inform the hospital if you do not understand or will be unable to carry out medical instructions
  • Not take any drugs unless they are prescribed by your physician and administered by hospital staff
  • Treat staff and licensed independent practitioners with respect, and use civil language
  • Be considerate of other patients and their visitors, particularly respecting privacy, not smoking, and keeping noise at a reasonable level
  • Keep all appointments and provide advance notice if you are unable to keep an appointment
  • Let hospital staff know if you have prepared advance directives (Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care and/or Living Will) and provide a copy to the hospital
  • Provide complete insurance information
  • Take financial responsibility for paying for all services rendered, either through your insurance, or by personally paying for any services that are not covered by insurance
  • Participate in the process of medical education of future health care professionals, as authorized by the hospital

Visitation Rights

Hospitals are restricted from discriminating against a patient’s visitors based on race, color, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, or disability. Patients have the right to have any visitors they choose, including same-sex domestic partners.

If you have concerns, please contact the State Department of Health, 3 Capitol Hill, Providence, RI 02908, or call 401-222-5200.