Rhode Island Hospital
Rhode Island Hospital Main Building/Zecchino Pavillion
593 Eddy Street
Providence, RI 02903 Get Directions
Phone: 401-444-4000

Leaving Rhode Island Hospital

Getting Ready

The day before your discharge, your physician or nurse will let you know when you can leave the hospital. Most patients are able to leave the hospital by 11 a.m. Your physician will inform your nurses and complete your records in preparation for your discharge. You cannot be discharged until your physician completes the necessary medical records.

If you have secured any personal valuables in the hospital safe, you may pick them up at the cashier’s office on the ground floor of the Main Building/Zecchino Pavilion (main building). The office is open from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. on weekdays and from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. on weekends and holidays. If you sign a consent form allowing a staff member to assist you, your items will be picked up and delivered to you.

On occasion, we do experience a delay in the discharge process; however, we request that your family member or friend be prepared to pick you up in the morning around 10 a.m. You should arrange for your ride to pick you up at the admitting circle near the business office, at the entrance to the Jane Brown Building or at the entrance of the Bridge Building.

Discharge Instructions

When you are ready to leave the hospital, your nurse will meet with you and your family to ensure that you have all the information you will need once you leave the hospital. This information might include:

  • Instructions from the medical staff
  • Information about any medications you need to take
  • Diet restrictions
  • Signs or symptoms that you should watch for
  • Activities to avoid
  • When you can return to work and resume normal activities

Arrangements for any follow-up care you need It is important that you understand your discharge instructions and how to follow them, so please ask questions if the instructions are not clear to you.

Hospitality Lounge

The Rhode Island Hospital hospitality lounge is a safe, comfortable space where you can wait for your discharge to be completed. Waiting to be picked up by a friend or loved one while relaxing in a recliner, enjoying snacks and beverages, watching television, or using a courtesy tablet will make the time pass quickly.

When your driver arrives, there is no need to park—they can simply pull up to the door, call 401-444-9881, and a care team member will escort you to the car. An awning over the entrance protects you from inclement weather.

Your Rhode Island Hospital care team aims to have you discharged by 11 a.m. By waiting for your ride in the hospitality lounge, you’ll be helping us to help others who are waiting for a room to be prepared so they can be admitted for inpatient care.

The hospitality lounge is located in the admitting department on the ground floor of the Keystone Building.

Contact: 401-444-9881
Hours: 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday

Note that patients must meet certain criteria to utilize the hospitality lounge. To prevent overly long waits, your ride must be expected within four hours.

Follow-Up Care/Case Management

If your physician recommends follow-up care after you are discharged, our case management staff can help you with any preparations you need to make, such as arranging for:

  • A nursing home or extended care facility
  • Home health care services
  • Home medical equipment
  • Hospice care
  • Rehabilitation services

Case managers may refer you to another facility, if needed, and will discuss transportation from the hospital. They can also provide you with a list of licensed and/or certified health care providers in the state and assist you with your selection. You may be familiar with a provider or decide to continue to receive care through other Brown University Health affiliates, including:

Additional Assistance

If you would like assistance or to speak with a case manager, please call the case management office at 401-444-5145.