Directions to Prenatal Diagnosis Center

Prenatal Diagnosis Center
Bay Tower Medical Center
101 Plain Street, 6th Floor
Providence, RI
Fax: 401-453-7517


From points north:
Take Interstate 95 South to Exit 19, Eddy Street. Bear right on the exit ramp toward Borden Street. At the stop sign, take a right onto Borden Street, and take your next right onto Plain Street. Our building is on the left.

From south of Providence: 
Take Interstate 95 North to Exit 20, Point Street. Stay to the left on the exit. At the second set of lights, take a left onto Clifford Street. At the light, take a left onto West Franklin Street (stay to the right, follow signs for HOSPITALS). Go through the next light onto Plain Street. Our building is on the right.

From I-195 West: 
Take I-195 West to Exit 1A, Point Street. Stay to the left on the exit. At the second set of lights, take a left onto Clifford Street. At the light, take a left onto West Franklin Street (stay to the right, follow signs for HOSPITALS). Go through the next light onto Plain Street. Our building is on the right.