Fetal Treatment Program: Resources

Baby FeetBelow are links to other sites about a variety of fetal conditions. They range from support groups to professional societies, fetal treatment centers, sites about ongoing clinical trials and general information sites.

Support Groups

  • EA|TEF: Support group for patients with esophageal atresia and tracheoesophageal fistula.
  • Twin Hope: A website about twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome and allied fetal conditions.
  • Twinstuff: A large informational site for multiples and their families. They manage a non-profit organization that assists families in need with twins and triplets.
  • TTTS Race for Hope: The TTTS Race for Hope was organized to save babies lives and to give hope to families by spreading awareness of Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS) and by funding medical research.
  • Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome Foundation: Another website about twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome and allied fetal conditions.
  • twin2twin: A British support group for parents of twins with TTTS, with a lot of information on research, treatment options and treatment centers in Europe.
  • Cherubs: The association of congenital diaphragmatic hernia research, advocacy and support.
  • Breath of Hope, Inc. A nonprofit organization that offers support to parents of children with congenital diaphragmatic hernia, promotes awareness of the condition and encourages research.

Professional Societies

Ronald McDonald House

The Providence Ronald McDonald House provides a "home away from home" for families of children being treated at Hasbro Children's, Rhode Island Hospital, Bradley Hospital and Women & Infants' Hospital. It is located on the joint campus of Rhode Island Hospital and Women & Infants' Hospital. It offers four family suites accommodating up to six family members, as well as nine other rooms for two to four family members. All rooms have a private bath and many are handicapped accessible. Learn more about Ronald McDonald House »

Pediatric Intensive Care Unit

Our program enjoys use of Hasbro Children's's pediatric intensive care unit, which has state-of-the-art design, organization and equipment, and is staffed by specially trained physicians, nurses, respiratory therapists and a broad-based team of professionals with expertise in the care of critically ill children. The PICU includes two suites of eight rooms each, located around a central nursing station. Each child has his or her own fully monitored and specialized room.