Brown University Health Orthopedics Institute Patient Stories

ALan H. Daniels, MD, and Janet

Janet's Story

Texas resident Janet traveled to Rhode Island to receive care for dropped head syndrome from Dr. Alan Daniels  who performed a complex procedure to straighten her spine.

“I couldn’t believe the things I was doing after surgery,” said Janet. “Once I got going, I kept going.”

Read Janet's Story

Photographer Bill Murphy talks with Edward Akelman, MD

Bill's Story

The base of Bill Murphy’s right thumb was annoying him. Accustomed to the fast pace of his 32-year career as a professional photographer, the picture was coming into focus. 

“I realized I didn’t have to live with the pain anymore.” - Bill Murphy

Read Bill's Story

Stacey Milhaly and Derek Jenkins, MD

Stacey's Story

When Stacey and Gene Mihaly were on a biking holiday in Sweden, they never expected they were rolling into an accident that would include international negotiations.

“My heroes are truly my husband and my surgeon. They both left no stone unturned.” - Stacey Mihaly

Read Stacey's Story

Alice Welch standing in her Antiques Shop with Dr. Alan Daniels

Alice's Story

When Alice, an antique shop owner from Maine, suffered severe back pain – she bypassed Boston and turned to the Brown University Health Orthopedic Institute for the complex spinal care she needed.

"People who saw me before and see me now, they can't believe their eyes." - Alice Welch

Read Alice's Story

Dr. Paige Plumb walks her dogs.

Paige’s Story

Paige Plumb, DVM, a West Warwick, RI veterinarian, needed two new hips in order to care for her four-legged patients. She needs to be able to move quickly to manage emergencies.

"There isn’t anything I can’t do now. it’s just been life changing." - Dr. Paige Plumb

Read Paige's Story

David Tyrrell and Dr. Got on Tyrrell's boat

David’s Story

Sportfishing captain David Tyrrell’s hand surgery allowed him to return to his livelihood. Amazingly, Tyrrell was back to fishing in just three months. He can use both hands to thread a fishing line through a lure.

Christopher Got, MD "was my doctor. Now he’s my friend."  - David Tyrrell

Read David's Story

Carole at pow wow

Carole’s Story

Carole Brown got back into the dance of life following knee replacement. Before, she had stabbing pain and could only sit for a few minutes before she was forced to stand.

"It’s very satisfying to be back in there dancing with my friends." - Carole Brown.

Read Carole's Story

Paul Zimmerman white water rafting.

Paul’s Story

Paul Zimmerman had an innovative shoulder replacement surgery at Brown University Health after doing extensive research about hospitals in the Northeast, including Boston and New York.

"The shoulder replacement surgery was a life-changing event.'" - Paul Zimmerman

Read Paul's Story

Karen Holt walking outside.

Karen’s Story

When Karen Holt received her second knee replacement, she decided to do something different. She decided to recover from her surgery at home and have a physical therapist come to her house.

"Recovering at home, you can get up at will, task yourself with different things." - Karen Holt

Read Karen's Story

Dr. Damian Dupuy

Damian’s Story

Damian Dupuy, MD's problems began as a teenager and he had undergone multiple surgeries since. However, his work, which requires him to stand for hours, had taken a toll. He was in constant pain.

"I realized that now was the time to have a total knee replacement."  - Dr. Damian Dupuy

Read Damian's Story

Brittney Lowe jogs along a tree-lined street.

Brittney’s Story

Smithfield native Brittney Lowe had a sinking feeling of déjà vu the morning she rose to get out of bed and realized she suddenly couldn't walk. However, she can now once again run and exercise pain-free.

"I've been running every day and working out every day at the gym."  - Brittney Lowe

Read Brittney's Story

Coleen Yaroshenko stands in front of a large window overlooking a tree-bordered parking lot.

Coleen’s Story

Coleen Yaroshenko, a Pawtucket, RI native went from stuck in bed to climbing mountains. Yaroshenko, who had previously enjoyed an active lifestyle found herself becoming increasingly housebound and sedentary due to the back pain.

"The surgery completely changed my life. I could feel the difference the first time I got out of the hospital bed." - Coleen Yaroshenko

Read Coleen's Story