About Brown University Health Community Affairs
Read our downloadable brochure to learn more about the role Brown University Health plays in our community.
As the largest employer in the state of Rhode Island, Brown University Health recognizes and embraces its responsibility to the diverse communities it serves, and of which it is a member. Across our affiliates, and across the state and region, Brown University Health brings its expertise and services into the community. We deliver the care people need wherever and whenever they need it, putting the patient at the center of our work. Put simply, we embrace our mission of Delivering health with care.
Read our downloadable brochure to learn more about the role Brown University Health plays in our community.
Brown University Health and its affiliate hospitals have a longstanding history of giving financial and in-kind support to projects, events and programs which benefit the local communities and are core to our mission. Our giving aims to support the health of all Rhode Islanders with a strategic focus on neighborhoods in the Greater Providence Metropolitan area, East Providence, Aquidneck Island as well as cities and towns which closely surround our hospitals.
While excellent care is our top priority, Brown University Health also recognizes that health and well-being is more than the absence of disease. We promote a culture of well-being, achieved in part by extending our expertise and services into communities where people live, learn, work, play and pray. Brown University Health coordinates hundreds of programs, events, and community service activities every year, benefiting as many as 30,000 southern New Englanders.
The mission of the Brown University Health Community Health Institute is to eliminate health disparities and promote health equity through healthy behaviors, relationships, and environments.
Learn more about the Brown University Health Community Health Institute
Responsive to our mission of Delivering health with care, Brown University Health’s investments in youth and workforce development programs are deep, diverse, and system-wide. Across Rhode Island, Brown University Health sponsors youth health and technology career programs, a summer youth employment program, workplace readiness programs for adults and intellectually disabled individuals. We partner to offer CNA classes and jobs to under-employed and unemployed adults, career enhancement and training for employees, volunteer reading tutors for elementary schools, and workforce preparedness support for parents and families.
As a not-for-profit organization, Brown University Health and its affiliates provide substantial uncompensated medical care as well as community support through education and research initiatives. Brown University Health also provides donations, sponsorships, and in-kind resources to our communities on an annual basis through the office of community relations. Brown University Health recognizes its critical role as a responsible steward of the environment and facilitates active green teams at all our affiliates, along with a variety of environmentally sustainable projects. Projects include energy savings efforts, recycling, composting and more.
Learn more about Brown University Health Corporate Citizenship
Delivering health with care extends beyond the buildings of our organization. As good neighbors, we respect the neighborhoods where we are situated. The mission of neighborhood relations is to build relationships, share our resources to make the neighborhood better, and apply a balanced approach in resolving conflicts between neighbors and our hospitals.
We welcome the opportunity to support nonprofits with programs and events that specifically and solely support the neighborhoods around our hospitals through community cohesion and
environmental improvements. Everyone at a Brown University Health facility that borders a residential neighborhood is part of neighborhood relations, although this program is led by the office of community relations.
Team Brown University Health enlists our employees to take part in a variety of activities that serve to improve the quality of life in our communities. Whether through participating in a 5K or volunteering
at a community event, health and service is intrinsically part of who we are.
Team Brown University Health encourages community engagement as well as individual well-being for all our employees and community partners.