Information for News Media

Brown University Health wishes to assist members of the news media with requests for information. Reporters are to be advised that federal and state laws and regulations safeguard the confidentiality of many aspects of patient/client information.  

Brown University Health may not disclose any information about a patient who has requested to be restricted in the patient directory. Brown University Health may not even confirm that the patient is receiving care at a Brown University Health hospital.  Additionally, state and federal law limits the information that Brown University Health may disclose without patient, parent or guardian consent, for patients who are:

  • Minors
  • In DCYF custody
  • Enrolled in a hospice program
  • In a correctional facility
  • Are admitted for alcohol or substance use
  • Are admitted to a behavioral health facility or unit

Reporters seeking a patient condition between 8:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on weekdays should call the Brown University Health Marketing and Communications Office at 401-444-5327.  On weeknights (between 5:00 p.m. and 8:30 a.m.), weekends and holidays, reporters seeking a patient condition should contact the Brown University Health Call Center at 401-793-2092.

Reporters seeking other hospital information or requesting an interview must contact a public relations representative. Members of the news media must be escorted at all times while on campus.  Public relations can be reached on weekdays through the Brown University Health Marketing and Communications Office at 401-444-5327and on weekends and holidays through the Brown University Health Call Center at 401-793-2092.