Contact Rhode Island Hospital Foundation
PO Box H
Providence, RI 02901
Phone: 401-444-6500
Fax: 401-444-8235
The mission of the Rhode Island Hospital Foundation is to support excellent, compassionate, and state-of-the-art health care, education, and research through philanthropy, which is key to sustaining every great academic medical center.
The foundation’s board of trustees provide leadership, oversight, and direct assistance in implementing the Rhode Island Hospital Foundation’s purpose to “solicit and raise funds to further improve and advance the science or art of healthcare delivery and patient care and the knowledge, practice, and teaching of medicine and nursing … .”
The trustees advocate for the needs and missions of Rhode Island Hospital and its Hasbro Children’s, and devote their time and resources to supporting and advancing those initiatives.
Bolstering Brown University Health Cancer Institute’s efforts to harness the power of the immune system to defeat deadly disease and helping to organize the Heroes Ball to benefit Hasbro Children’s Pain and Palliative Care Program for children with complex, chronic conditions are just two examples of how well-stewarded philanthropy improves lives.
As Anthony Calandrelli, a recent addition to the foundation board, said, “Rhode Island Hospital was built on a foundation of community support and it’s our collective responsibility to keep that going for future generations.”
Roger N. Begin, Chair
Elizabeth Huber, Vice Chair
Robert J. Manning, Treasurer
Anthony Calandrelli, Secretary
Lawrence A. Aubin Sr., ex-officio
Sheryl C. Amaral
Paul D. Busby
James L. Carr, Jr.
Denise A. Chakoian
Michael V. D’Ambra
Sandy Delli Carpini
Phyllis A. Dennery, MD
Bradford S. Dimeo
John R. Fernandez, ex-officio
Edwin G. Fischer, MD
Sarah Frost, ex-officio with vote
Lisa M. Gilbert
Kristen Haffenreffer
Jerry Hyman
Mahesh V. Jayaraman, MD
Dolph L. Johnson
Keith D. Kelly
Scott B. Laurans
Tom Lawson
Francois I. Luks, MD, PhD
Donna M. Paolino Coia
Holly Paras
Elizabeth J. Perik
James A. Procaccianti
Nicholas J. Rodrigues
Anthony J. Thomas
Melisa A. Verrecchia
Victor Vetters
Robert K. Vincent
Phyllis A. Dennery, MD, Co-chair
Francois I. Luks, MD, PhD, Co-chair
Wayne Charness, Co-chair
Lawrence A. Aubin Sr.
Danielle Benedict
Elizabeth Burke Bryant
Paul Busby
Jeanne S. Cohen
Karen Davis
Karen G. DelPonte, Esq.
Penelope Dennehy, MD
Bradford Dimeo
Deanna Donnelly
Renée Evangelista, Esq.
Dory Faxon
Samara Feldman
Patricia Flanagan, MD
Edwin Forman, MD
Robert B. Klein, MD
James Gilbane
Barbara Haynes
Jaclyn Leibl-Cote
Samantha Lomow
Nicki Maher
Melissa Murray
Stephen Olson
Holly Paras
Joseph G. Pannozzo
Kinnari Patel
James Procaccianti
Zachary Robbins, MD
Katina Robison, MD
Henry T. Sachs III, MD
Catherine Solomon
Jaime Tasca
John S. Urban, Jr.
Melisa Verrecchia
Grace Vincent
Tracey Wallace
Kyle Wohlrab, MD
The Board of Governors serve as ambassadors who assist the Rhode Island Hospital Foundation Board of Trustees in identifying and promoting philanthropic support and partnerships from individuals, families, corporations, and foundations, while educating others throughout the community.
Edward Akelman
Vickie R. Akelman
Edward Almon
Joseph F. Amaral
Frohman C. Anderson
Cathy L. Andreozzi
Lawrence A. Aubin
Diane F. Aubin
Marianne P. Barba
Emanuel E. Barrows
Oliver H. Bennett
Martha Bennett
Dan A. Bianco
Marcia C. Blacher
Russell A. Boss
David A. Brown
Christopher N. Buchanan
Jeffrey Buckler
Bernard V. Buonanno
Heidi Buonanno
Edward W. Burman
J. Scott Burns
Cynthia B. Burns
Richard F. Carolan
Joseph M. Cianciolo
Nathan C. Clark
Jamie S. Clark
Michelle Collie
Francis A. Connor
Kay Cooper
Dr W. Corrao
John J. Cronan
Justine Currie
Ronald A. DeLellis
Frank DelSanto
Anthony DelVecchio
Grace M. DelVecchio
Penelope H. Dennehy
Thomas L. Depetrillo
Joseph DiBattista
Enrico DiGregorio
Karin E. Dillahey
Thomas M. Drew
Heidi K. Duffy
David A. Duffy
Myra J. Edens
Barbara M. Elson
Peter Englehart
J. Michael Falvey
Bradford J. Faxon
Jilline Fearons
Elaine M. Ferreira
Michael D. Fine
Robert F. Fischer
Sherry A. Fonseca
Karen L. Furie
Anthony Gallonio
Joan I. Gelch
Joseph S. Gendron
Leah Gendron
Chris Gentili
Thomas F. Gilbane
Moses B. Goddard
Richard J. Goldberg
Christine E. Griffin
Thomas Guerra
David H. Haffenreffer
Michael L. Hanna
Alan G. Hassenfeld
Edward A. Iannuccilli
Len Iannuccilli
Muriel E. Jobbers
Anne Marie Johnson
James M. Karam
Judd B. Katzen
Boyd P. King
Michelle LaRiviere
Donald A. Lopes
Michael H. Mariner
Julie A. Masse-Hanna
Louise S. Mauran
Joseph P. McGovern
Virginia A. Mead
Edward G. Medeiros
Cheryl A. Merchant
Richard Metters
Philip R. Morin
Kevin B. Murphy
Katherine Murphy
Tricia S. O'Neil
Leslie Parker
Joanne Patterson
Joseph R. Perroni
Angelo Pezzullo
John A. Pezzullo
Julie C. Procaccianti
Kathryn Rattigan
Kristen Regan
Jane A. Ritson-Parsons
Lloyd J. Robertson
Stephen M. Rosa
James V. Rosati
Mary F. Sadlier
Jeremy Savage
Barbara Schepps Wong
David D. Schuller
Bruce M. Selya
Deming E. Sherman
Russell R. Shippee
Cathy I. Shippee
Rosalyn K. Sinclair
Theodore W. Smalletz
Robyn G. Smalletz
Brian S. Snowden
Joseph A. Solomon
Catherine A. Solomon
Maureen K. Soutter
Cory Spinale
Donald R. Swanson
Michael J. Szostak
Thomas A. Tanury
Kim Teves
Anthony J. Thomas
Carol J. Tow
Jonathan Turmel
Lisa M. Van Allsburg
George A. Vecchione
Alfred J. Verrecchia
Arlene M. Violet
Girard R. Visconti
Lorna E. Wayland
David E. Wazer
Diane N. Weiss
David G. Whalen
Miles C. Wilson
David M. Winoker
PO Box H
Providence, RI 02901
Phone: 401-444-6500
Fax: 401-444-8235