Bill of Rights for Children and Teens at Hasbro Children's
In this hospital you and your family have the right to:
- Respect and personal dignity
- Care that supports you and your family
- Information you can understand
- Quality healthcare
- Emotional support
- Care that respects your need to grow, play and learn
- Make choices and decisions
Respect and personal dignity
- You are important. We want to get to know you.
- We will tell you who we are, and we will call you by your name. We will take time to listen to you.
- We won't talk about you in your room or outside your door unless you know what is happening.
- We will honor your privacy.
Care that supports you and your family
- You and your family are important. We will work together to make you as safe and comfortable as possible.
- All families are different. We want to learn about what's important to you and your family.
- There will be a place for a member of your family to spend the night in the hospital with you or near you.
Information you can understand
- We will explain things to you. We will speak in terms you can understand. You can ask about what is happening to you and why.
- Someone who speaks your language will help explain things to you.
- Someone from your family can be with you when people in the hospital are explaining things to you.
Quality healthcare
- You will be taken care of by doctors, nurses and other people who know about children and teenagers.
- You have the right to know all the people who take care of you in the hospital. You and your family can meet with them to plan what is best for you.
- You have the right to be involved in your care, including managing pain effectively.
- You have the right to be free from restraints and seclusion of any form that is not medically necessary or that is used as a means of coercion, discipline, convenience or retaliation by staff.
Emotional support
- When you are in the hospital, you might feel scared, angry, lonely or sad. You can let people know how you feel. It is okay to cry or complain.
- You can have your family with you as much as possible. When this is not possible, the other people caring for you will explain why.
- We can help you meet children and families who have had experiences like yours.
- You can wear your own clothing most of the time and keep your special things with you.
- You can talk or play with people who know how to help when you have questions or problems.
- You can ask to be moved to another room if you are uncomfortable or unhappy.
Care that respects your need to grow, play and learn
- We will consider all your interests and needs, not just those related to your illness or disability.
- You have the right to rest, to play and to learn. We will make sure that you have places and times for the things children your age need to grow and learn.
Make choices and decisions
- Your ideas and feelings about how you want to be cared for are important.
- You can tell us how we can help you feel more comfortable.
- You can tell us how you want to take part in your care.
- You can make choices whenever possible. Sometimes you can help decide when and where you get your treatments.
If you have any questions, suggestion or concerns, or if you need help resolving a problem, please call patient liaison services at 401-444-5817, Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. After hours, please call the operator and ask for the on-site administrator. Call us if you would like to request a copy of Hasbro Children’s’s patient rights and responsibilities.
If you have concerns, you may contact the State Department of Health, 3 Capitol Hill, Providence, RI 02908, 401-222-2566.
Learn more about Brown University Health interpreter services
Si usted tiene alguna inquietud, puede ponerse en contacto con el Departamento de Salud del Estado, 3 Capitol Hill, Providence, RI 02908, 401-222-2566. El hospital proporcionará un intérprete, si lo necesita, sin costo alguno. Para poder acceder a un intérprete, llame a Servicios de intérpretes al 401-444-8708. Para pedir una copia de los derechos y responsabilidades del paciente en el Hospital Hasbro Children’s, llame a la Oficina de Servicios de intérpretes al 401-444-8708 ó a la Oficina de Admisión de la Sala de Emergencias al 401-444-6561.
Se você tem preocupações, pode contactar o Departamento de Saúde do Estado, 3 Capitol Hill, Providence, RI 02908, 401-222-2566. O hospital vai providenciar um intérprete, se precisar, sem nenhum custo. Para ter acesso a um intérprete, telefone ao Escritório de Serviços de Intérpretes para o 401-444-8708. Para requerer uma cópia dos direitos e responsabilidades do paciente no Hospital Hasbro Children’s, telefone ao Escritório de Serviços de Intérpretes para o 401-444-8708 ou ao Escritório de Admissão da Sala de Emergência, 401-444-6561.
Если что-то вызвало вашу озабоченность, вы можете обратиться в Департамент здравоохранения штата по адресу 3 Capitol Hill, Providence, RI 02908; телефон: 401-222-2566. В случае необходимости, госпиталь бесплатно предоставит вам переводчика. Для этого вам нужно позвонить в службу переводчиков по телефону 401-444-8708. Если вы желаете ознакомиться с «Правами и обязанностями пациентов Детского госпиталя Хасбро», позвоните в службу переводчиков по номеру 401-444-8708 или в приёмную отделения скорой помощи по номеру 401-444-6561.
- About Hasbro Children's
- Information for Visitors
Patient and Family Centered Care
- Accommodations for Families
- Welcome to Hasbro Children’s
- Principles and Philosophies
- Your Child's Stay
- Family Advisory Council
- The Adolescent Leadership Council (TALC)
- The GetWellNetwork
- Family Advocates
- Grief, Loss, and Bereavement
- Dining Options and Meals
- Special Services
- Hospital Telephone Directory
- Meet the Health Care Team
- Ethics and Patient Rights
- Going Home: What to Expect
- Our Centers and Services
- Good Night Lights
- Giving to Hasbro Children's