Have a Seat
We know a visit to the hospital isn’t all that easy. Our Ronald McDonald Family Room has comfortable seating for visitors seeking a moment to rest, reflect, and take a pause.
The Hasbro Children’s family rooms are located on all the inpatient units. They offer comfortable seating, a kitchenette, television, and locker storage for your convenience and are available to you at any time throughout your stay.
Located on the fourth floor, just off the elevators, the Ronald McDonald room offers a comfortable place, 24 hours a day, for families to grab a quick snack, rest, or even do laundry. Please ask the unit secreary for the access code.
We know a visit to the hospital isn’t all that easy. Our Ronald McDonald Family Room has comfortable seating for visitors seeking a moment to rest, reflect, and take a pause.
A warm cup of tea or coffee, a cold beverage, a snack can make all the difference for a family member visiting a loved one at Hasbro Children’s.
The Izzy Family Room is located on the fifth floor. This is a family space for both parents/caregivers and patients. For your convenience, the space is open 24 hours a day. Please ask the unit secretary for the access code.
The Izzy Foundation offers snacks, coffee, hygiene products and meals on most days. There is a kitchen, microwave, computers, television, and comfortable seating.
The Dunkin' Family Room is located on the sixth floor. Please ask the unit secretary for the access code.
Rest, relax, and enjoy coffee, computers, and a comfortable environment in the Dunkin' Family Room during long hospital stays.
For families of patients with a short stay, we provide a quiet and calm location to rest, get some work done, and find comfort amidst the tranquil blue walls, intentionally reflecting the ocean theme throughout Hasbro Children’s.
Located inside the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit is a room for families where they can be near their child while taking time to rest, shower, or make a snack. This comfortable, and comforting, room is available 24/7.